Hi Everyone!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and/or friends! Are you doing any Boxing Day shopping today? I’m definitely not in the mood to fight the crowds this year, but I might check out the sales online (no makeup though). I might replenish my Tula products if there’s a good sale since I’m almost finished the Discovery Kit (review to come).
Before I get started, I would like to thank everyone for reading my blog and for your love and support!
This has been a really good year for the blog and my Instagram. I started posting more frequently and regularly on the blog which really helped. I’ve been posting Mon-Wed-Fri in the mornings. For 2019, I’ve decided to post Tuesdays & Fridays at 8 am EST/EDT. Since I’m doing my best to cut down on impulse purchases and doing a Makeup Buying Ban until the Spring Sephora Sale, I won’t have as many products to review.
For my beauty Instagram, I did my best to post at least 1 picture every day. If I missed a day, I would try to make up for it with a few the next day. I can’t believe I made it to 3.5k followers on Instagram! I will have another giveaway once I reach 4k.
This year, I was very generously sent products from a few different brands. While I don’t write reviews or have a blog just to receive free products, it’s always nice to know that a brand has found my page and wants my opinions on their products.
I’ve tried a lot of makeup and skincare this year and along the way, I’ve found some favourites which I’m really happy about.
Unfortunately, there were also quite a few misses. A couple of cult favourites just didn’t work out for me. I think I will write a dedicated blog post on those products.
Back in October, I started using an app to track my water intake. My skin has always been on the drier side and I think it’s because I’ve never drank the daily amount that you’re supposed to drink. While I don’t always reach my goal, I am definitely drinking more water than I did before. My skin is still dry, but it’s better than it used to be (especially since I’ve been using the Tarte Maracuja Oil, one of my new skincare faves). My skin is also clearer than it’s been in months. I still have dark spots from when I was bad and squeezed at my pimples. I’m doing my best not to touch them, even though it’s so tempting to pop them. I realized that I used to rest my chin on my hand a lot which may or may not have contributed to acne. I try not to touch my face throughout the day too.
I think my skin has also been better because I’m not drinking juice as often. Back when I was in university and a bit after, I would drink a glass or two of juice/pop every day. If I do drink juice/soda, I keep it to once a day.
In addition to drinking more water, I’ve been doing arm, leg and ab exercises – crunches, leg raises, bicep curls, etc. I’m trying to do some exercise every day because as someone who blogs, I’m in front of the computer, sitting, a lot.

For my Etsy shop, Prints by JenCat, I started the Etsy shop in July and I’m happy to say that I reached my goal – I was hoping that I would get at least 1 sale each month. I am so thankful for my family and friends who have supported me.
LOL, what dating life? This one’s on me. I’ve been focusing more on jobs than trying to find a boyfriend.
Have you check out my 12-Part Dating Series? Click here for Part 1

I rarely go out, so unless someone were to knock on my door, there’s 0% chance of me finding one until I make the effort to go out. Not everyone can be like Rapunzel from Tangled. Although, if someone just climbed through my window, I wouldn’t just hit them in the head with a frying pan, I would call the police.

I have Resting Bitch Face (which also looks sad too), so I doubt anyone would come up to me while I was just out and about.
I didn’t go anywhere this year. The farthest I went was Montréal with my friends. Maybe next year, I’ll go somewhere.
I feel like that pretty much sums up this year for me. It was a pretty good year that went by so fast once it was Summer/Fall. I can’t believe so much happened this year: Royal Wedding, Olympics (did I even watch them this year? I couldn’t even remember were they were held – PyeongChang), Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War came out (I finally watched them this month).