Hi Everyone!
Today, I’m sharing non-beauty favourites since I haven’t bought makeup in a while. I did just make a Sephora skincare/hair order so hopefully I have some new favourites for you in the next couple months as I test them out.
Gordon Ramsay’s Scrambled Eggs and Smoked Salmon on Croissants
Crispy Brussel Sprouts with Dijon Mustard Aioli
Pamela Reif No Equipment Workout Videos – My sister recently shared some workout videos that she’s been following and I’ve been working out to them. I’m starting out slowly because it’s been a while since I exercised. I like that she doesn’t talk and it gets straight into the workout. She has some warm up dancing videos to get you started.
I had a video chat with my cousins and we played some games which were fun.
- Scattegories (desktop or phone) – word game
- Scribble (desktop or phone) – drawing game
- Codenames (desktop or phone) – word game
- Taboo (desktop or phone) – word game
- Family Style (App store or Google Play) – cooperative game
On Twitter, I’ve been following various accounts that make me smile. The Shedd Aquarium has been fun to follow because they post videos of their penguins exploring other parts of the aquarium. I think any stories in the news that have animals cheer you up. Also, cute stories with grandparents and/or kids cheer me up too.
What have you been loving lately?